
skater boys

As some people may know, I have a terrible, undeniable crush on 17-year old skateboarders. They don't neccesarily need the wild tassled hair in their face, or oversized extremely comfortable shoes, or the smallest ass in the world...all that's really required is the ability to skate at least 15 feet and land scraped up on the pavement with some disfigured part of their body. I can't be positive as to why I still have this mini-obsession -- all I know is that over the past couple of weeks it has rapidly been in decline.

Now that I live in a completely flat neighborhood, I can't seem to take a single walk without some punk skating right up in front of Preston who has by now began foaming at the mouth and removing chunks of sidewalk. I've developed a keen ear to those 65-90 mm wheels approaching, and now instead of putting on my biggest battiest eyes, my muscles stiffen and back hunches and I get real squinty and start to move towards the closest wall. Now that I've developed this reaction even when walking around sans Preston, I have had no interest in these overclothed pubescent trainwrecks. sigh.

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