
the best is yet to come

The start of something fresh. I suppose a lot of things have been fresh as of late...but what has brought upon the urge to finally start this blog I've been contemplating for almost 2 years? was it the sun that's at last bleating through? the fact that my sister received the Last Sixteen Year Old to Get a Cellphone Award today? that someone told me my dog looked like a sheep? or perhaps it's that I can't stop narrating every single move I make and am tired of being the only one who knows the number of clean underwear left in my drawer or about what kind of wet grass I just wiped my hand in.

Nevertheless, here it is! I won't promise that it's going to be interesting or inspiring or even get updated on a regular basis...but I hope that in the very least it can serve to keep some very far and near beauties in touch with a tiny glimpse of the most boring parts of my life. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. LAUREN!!!! I am so glad for this blog and I love it already.

    Speaking of clean underwear, I have as my desktop background that picture you took in 14th Street apartment of all the underwear drying on the bed...

    <3 <3 <3
